Revenge Of The Toys

>be me
>be 7
>posting stories to trollpasta wiki
>lmao to poop jokes
>watching porn
>mom says:bed time
>goes to bed
>wakes up 2 hours later
>checks is mom sleeping
>notices he is
>opens laptop
>checks 4chan 
>hears a sound
>creeps out
>notices its a bird
>hears another sound
>turns 180 degrees
>Notices toy box felt down
>Saw toys with red eys crawling
>Toys start eating leg
>Shuts down computer quick
>Screams hard
>Mom wakes up
>kills every toy with sledgehammer.
>grabs the boy from legs
>throws out from window
>blood came out
>mother did suicide
>so did father
>Boy wakes up
>in hospital
>doctors say im cured
>I see the toys from window
>walks out and...